Build Customer Relationship In E-commerce

A good customer relationship brings you a profitable relationship. According to a study conducted by, a 5% increased in customer retention lead to 25% to 29% of profits. Also, 47% of customers would take their business to a competitor within a day when they experienced poor customer service. Thus, it is essential to maintain happy customers in your business.

You don’t need to meet your customer face to face for building up the relationship with them. Here some simple must-have strategies to keep a good relationship with them.

Good Customer Care – People feel precious when being treated well. Create a good reputation with your customer by responding to their queries, feedback and complaints on time. Set up a proper customer care channel to ensure your customer able to reach you when they need to.

Good After-Sales Service – We don’t only serve our customer before they make a purchase, but also after the purchase. After-sales service has more impact on keeping a loyalty customer. By providing excellent after-sales service, it can fully satisfy your customer and make them eager to purchase again in future. Also, satisfied customers are always willing to promote your business or service to their friends.

Handling Comment In A Good Manner – No one likes bad comment and tend to ignore them. Do you know that you are ruining your business by neglecting all these bad comments? Be a responsible seller by replying bad comments in an assuring tone can help you to retain the existing customer, at the same time gaining potential customers for your business. Remember to always apology first before further explain.

Keep In Touch – This is the most important element to maintain a good relationship with your customers. Send them some latest information about your business, such as the latest update about your business, products and promotion. Also, send some useful information related to the products that you are selling. If you’re selling cookware, try to send them some special recipe once a month. Customer will remember you and think about you when they would like to re-purchase in the future.