Realistic Shipping Days
Dear Sellers,
When you indicate your order shipping days, please make sure that the days are realistic.
We have received many complaints from buyers who had placed orders, and only to find out later that the shipping days are much later than you indicated in your product listing. We are making some drastic change to avoid any more complaints from buyers.
If your items are shipped from overseas, you have to be very realistic when updating the shipment days. Most overseas shipments take between 14 to 21 days to be delivered to your buyer. Please make sure you choose the correct ship within period.
If your items requires longer than 14 days, please notify our Netpay team to extend your settlement date so that you can choose “12-15 days” and “16 days or longer“. It will not show as pre-order, as long as your settlement date from NetPay is extended longer.
If we received too many complaints regarding your webstore’s delivery and your shipping estimated days are not realistic, we will temporarily hide all your items. We will have to discuss with your on how you could continue with your web store.