How To Improve Search Ranking Effectively & Boost Your Sales?

What Is Search Ranking?

Search ranking is the visibility of your product whenever customers did a search on, the higher your product ranking is, the higher possibility people will purchase with you as they noticed your products.

Approximately 80% of all sales are converted from search, therefore having your product display at the top of search results is crucial to build a successful business on

So what is the factor contributed to search ranking? The 3 factors we looking at are sold quantity, number of customers added to wishlist and lastly using iBoost. If you are selling a new product in, the sold quantity and wishlist will having hard time competing with hot selling items, so there is another choice which is iBoost.

Now you might wondering what is iBoost and how this feature works? No worry, we will go through with you on how you can utilize this on below.

What is iBoost?

In, you can increase your product ranking by boosting search ranking to the top and featuring on front page & category page using iBoost from as low as RM0.50 per day (minimum RM0.10 search ranking/ day + RM0.40 feature front page/ day).

Where Will Boosted Product Displayed?

  • Featured in Category : Your product will display on top of the listing under category page on rotational basis.

  • Featured in Front page : Your product will displayed under “Featured Product” section on a rotational basis.

  • Boost Product: Your product will be highlighted in the listing page with “Sponsored”.

How To Maximize iBoost Result?

iBoost indeed bring up your search ranking to the top but there are few way to boost the performance even further by optimizing product listing and selecting the right product to spend your iBoost budget.

Optimize Product Title

Product title take the most important role in iBoost as you want the boosted product appear as much as possible. Includes all the popular search term (related to your product) into your product title can make it appear more frequent due to every customers have different search behavior.

The best practice is clearly stated what is the product and includes as many search term as feasible.



Boost The Right Product With The Right Budget

To achieve cost efficiency, selectively boost products with the “correct” budget will always make the most out of your budget. So, how do you determine what is “right” product and “correct” budget? below are some guideline for your reference.

To select the right product:

  1. Competitive price – to convert the exposure into sales, you need competitive price to stimulate buying intention.
  2. Trending search – When a lot people search for a keyword, it is the good time to boost related product and gain the most exposure.
  3. New but good – One of the best way to let people find your new product is to boost it to the top of search ranking.

To allocate the correct budget:

  1. To boost unique product, use minimum budget as the keyword is not competitive
  2. To boost competitive product, use higher budget/ day (RM0.50 & above) to make sure it will always be on top.
  3. To boost product with limited time promotion, you may use even higher budget to maximize your promotion exposure (feature on front page for RM5/ day).

iBoost was proven helpful whenever seller use the right budget on the right product, you are highly encouraged to try and spend small amount of budget first on different product as the cost is just as low as RM0.50/ day.
Should you have any inquiries about iBoost, please contact us at